Category: Edward

Our January was fairly calm. We had some nice weather, so we spent time outside. Edward is getting better on his bike and is ready to move onto the training wheels, but still prefers the strider. It’s mostly because it keeps sending him one way or another instead of straight. We will get him on it soon since he is really to big to be on the strider.

Both boys started Speech therapy this month. Edward needs help with his “s” and “z” sounds. His therapist says he is doing good and improving. Morgan is just slow to start. He doesn’t really want to talk much, so we are working on getting him to start saying words and to begin mimicking us.

We had a crazy busy October. At the beginning of the month, we took the boys to go see the Cirque Du Soleil show Volta. We weren’t completely sure how the boys would do at the show, but we figured the only way to find out was to go. It was an awesome time. The boys had a lot of fun and enjoyed the show. They were on the edge of their seats the whole time watching. 

Edward also started Kindergarten at the Montessori school We had been struggling with getting him to focus on writing last year, so his teachers pulled out some new material for him this year. We were excited when he brought home a story that he wrote. 

The ducks got some more outside time and really enjoyed that. Darrell also fixed up some more of their pen so he could clean it out. 

We did the annual Trick or Treating at Concur and then Darrell took the boys around the neighborhood for Halloween. Morgan likes to help bring the trashcan back up to the house after it is picked up. It is just his size. 

We missed the family reunion weekend this year because Darrell had a conference in Portland the week after so we didn’t want to have to make the boys do the trip twice. So instead, we headed down while Darrell was at his conference and my mom had hung around for the extra couple weeks. The boys had fun. Edward had a rough time with everything that we had going on, but overall they had fun. He got to go toad hunting with Grandma at night and got to spend a bunch of time running around. Morgan spent a lot of his time throwing the ball for Bear.

Darrell had a conference in Portland in early April. The boys and I dropped him off and then headed down to Uncle Kenny’s place for the week. We came back up to Portland on Darrell’s last day and stayed with him at the AirBnB he had booked. It was nice and had a pool that the boys loved swimming in.

Then the next day, we headed over for a day at the Oregon Zoo (we love going to zoos) before heading home. It was a lot of fun and the zoo was amazing. Edward was super excited he got to see elephants since our zoo hasn’t had elephants since he was a year old. Plus, it had a bunch of other animals that our zoo didn’t have that made him excited. They were both super excited for the train ride through the zoo.

Busy Busy is the name of our summers. We finished the last month of summer the way we always do. Super busy..

We did blueberry picking:

The ducks are almost 3 months old and Darrell had to add some gravel to make the pool drainage easier:

We had lots of fun overall with playdates and with swim lessons:

We also did the Space Elevator competition at the Museum of Flight. Darrell was asked to be a judge again, so we all went as a family:

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