Category: Grief

Rainbows for Pixel

This year is 6 years without Pixel. I can talk about him freely and love that Edward talks about him as well. It has been a rough year this year as I see all the kiddos that were born the same year as Pixel get ready and head off to their first year of Kindergarten. Sometimes I sit and wonder how much different my life would be if he had survived. But then I remember that if Pixel had survived, we wouldn’t have Edward. It is probably one of the hardest things to have to think about and wrap my brain around. Of course I want all my boys with me, but knowing that there is no way I could ever have all of them with me is a knife that twists when I am least expecting it. Edward talks about him a lot and mentions that he wishes Pixel would have survived because he would have liked to have an older brother. Then I have to talk with him about how it isn’t possible and it is really hard to put that into words.

Rainbows are kind of my thing for Pixel. We found out he had died on the Thursday after Memorial Day. That Memorial Day a big summer storm had come through Abilene and after the storm there was a beautiful double rainbow (see picture above). One was bright and shiny and the other one was a bit more faded (like they normally are). That was also the last day that I know for sure that I felt Pixel move, so we are pretty sure that is the day that he died. I talk about it sometimes, but Pixel was a twin. After we had delivered him, I thought back to that Double rainbow and all I could think of was my twins. Bit who never got the chance to be bright and shiny and Pixel who was bright and shiny, but never made it to a full rainbow. The day after Pixel made it home from the funeral home, there was another storm and another double rainbow. I don’t usually see meaning in a lot of things, but grief and hormones does a lot to a woman. Now, almost every time I see a rainbow, it is a double rainbow. I see them a lot when I am having a hard time emotionally or when I am thinking of the twins. These are just the rainbows I have had a chance to take photos of in the years since we lost Pixel. I am only posting about this now, because it seems fitting that this year, a couple days before his birthday, there was another storm and a beautiful double rainbow was over our house. We could see it from our front porch, but if you went to the neighbors house, you couldn’t see it.

Another thing that made this year hard was a country song just came out and when I first heard it on the radio, all I heard was the chorus and I just started bawling. It is really hard to drive when you are crying and the last time I cried in the car like that was when I was on my way to the RE’s office after losing Pixel. I was crying and couldn’t focus so accidentally sped and ended up with a ticket. Whoops! Anyways, I have heard the whole song and while I know that it isn’t referring what-so-ever to stillbirths, I hear the chorus and I just can’t NOT think of Pixel. The song is “Peter Pan” by Kelsea Ballerini. The chorus goes:

“You’re just a lost boy, with your head up in the clouds
You’re just a lost boy, never keep your feet on the ground

You’re always gonna fly away, just because you know you can
You’re never gonna learn there’s no such place as Neverland
You don’t understand
You’ll never grow up
You’re never gonna be a man
Peter Pan

You’re just a lost boy, yeah, I know who you are
You don’t know what you lost, boy
You’re too busy chasing stars”


I know this year was hard, but I keep putting one foot in front of the other. I am fearful of all pregnancies (though I love babies and we want to have more). Hopefully this next year will be easier on me. From other mama’s who have walked the steps before me and have worn the path down, I am aware that milestones will be my downfall. So when his 10th birthday, his 13th birthday, 18th birthday, High school graduation days, and more roll around, I will just have to be prepared as much as I can. It is a little easier having two littles who are taking up a lot of my time, but sometimes when they do stuff, I wonder what he would have done too. Would he be as into Math and reading as Edward, or would he have been a quiet contemplative one who doesn’t do something unless he is sure like Morgan. I will never know.

I love you Pixel! May you forever ride the rainbow and chase the stars!


So last Wednesday night, May 27, there was a miscommunication in our house and our front door got left open for about 3 hours. Darrell is the one who noticed and found Zedd outside in the front garden. Poleeko was not to be found. I spent awhile wandering around calling his name. About 11:30 pm, I opened the front door and noticed him under our neighbor’s porch. I went outside to try to coerce him inside and then Darrell went around so we could try to chase him back into the house. Poleeko just flipped out and bounded along the side of the house and over the blackberry bushes into the wooded area behind the house. That was the last we saw of him. About 1:30am, there was a big cat fight outside and that was it. We haven’t seen Poleeko or heard him since. We have been looking at the shelters and what not, but we are pretty sure that he will not be coming home. So as sad as I am, I feel super sad for Zedd. He spent the first few days yowling at the windows and then he spent a few more days moping around. He is slowly adjusting to being the only cat.

So, here are some of my favorite photos that we have of Poleeko:
























I really miss this guy. Now we can leave things out and they don’t disappear underneath our bed. He really was my cat and he loved to be near me. I hope that he found somewhere safe even though my rational brain says that he didn’t make it.



Happy 3rd Birthday to my Baby Boy who will forever and ever remain a baby! I am a little sad that it has been a full 3 years since we said hello and goodbye to him. After 3 years I am noticing that I am having a hard time remembering exactly what he looked like and all the little details of the day. I am so grateful for all of the photos that everyone took. Because of those, I am able to look back and still see him as we saw him instead of only in our memories. Plus, our doctor had a machine that allowed him to record the ultrasounds, so I am able to go and see a recording of the 20 week ultrasound. There is no sound, so I can’t hear his heartbeat, but just seeing him move brings me to tears.



Pixel’s Urn

It took us about 22 months, but we finally found an urn we loved. We got it and thought it would be big enough for Pixel, but unfortunately, it wasn’t. The crematorium we went to said that the Funeral home in Texas most likely cremated Pixel and his placenta in a little cardboard casket so that there were plenty of ashes. That means that while we thought a little urn would be big enough, it only actually fit about 1/3 of Pixel’s ashes in it. Darrell and I discussed it though and we are ok with having to split him up. We haven’t decided what we will do with the other 2/3rds, but we are happy with this for now.




This last week has been all over the place for me feelings wise. There have been a few big emotional changes and while they aren’t bad, they still hurt.

Sad & Anxious:

About a week ago, we transitioned Edward from the co-sleeper in our room to his crib in the nursery. I always thought I would have my baby in the room with me until he was at least 6 months old if not older. What changed for us was the 4-month sleep regression. Edward was getting up every two hours again after a few nights of sleeping through the night. He would wake up fussing and it would wake me up so I would feed him and go back to bed. It was definitely making one tired momma. I started just letting him fuss a little bit to see if he would put himself back to sleep and he would. But he was still fussing every two hours which was waking me up. We decided to move him to his crib to see if we would sleep any better. It definitely worked. The first two days, I only had to get up to feed him twice during the night. Then it dropped down to only once a night. Last night he finally slept all the way through. A full 12 hours. He did move and do a little fussing around 1am, but he put himself back to sleep in 2-3 minutes. I am hoping the sleeping through the night continues. It has been hard for me though. Now, instead of waking up in the morning and rolling over to see him, I have to turn on the monitor (we leave the volume on, but turn off the video part at night). We still have the co-sleeper set up next to our bed, but now it is where the monitor sits instead of where the baby lays. It makes me sad because it is a visual of the fact that he is growing up. There are still nights and early mornings when he has been sleeping quietly for awhile that one of us has a small anxiety attack and has to go into the nursery just to make sure he is still breathing.


October is Pregnancy/Infant Loss awareness month. Last year I spent the month of October doing the Capture Your Grief photo challenge. I did each day and it helped me be open and thinking of Pixel while I was starting my journey with Edward. I saw the prompt late last month for Capture Your Grief this year. I read through the prompts and none of them really called out to me. I felt as though I was handling my loss well and having Edward has helped a little bit. There are still times where I see things Edward is doing and I wonder how Pixel would have done them. The only prompt for the month that I was going to do was on October 15th when there is a wave of light and people light a candle for lost babies at 7pm their local time. That was something I loved to do. I enjoyed lighting Pixel’s candle and spending an evening looking at it and remembering my firstborn. However, I forgot. One of our friend’s had a birthday party for her little boy and so we spent the evening over there celebrating and hanging out. We got home really late and so we just went to bed. It wasn’t until the next morning that I remembered. And I only remembered because I got on facebook and a lot of the baby loss mom’s posted pictures of their candles. I felt guilty that I had forgotten one of the days that I want to remember and honor Pixel. A part of me thinks I am being irrational because I honor and remember him a lot (granted it has been a little less since Edward was born). I felt bad that I haven’t lit Pixels candle for him since Mother’s Day. We took the candle with us to the Birth Center for Edward’s birth, but we never lit it. It also melted a little in the car so it is a little lopsided right now. I am working through this guilty feeling by reminding myself that he is remembered and I do look at his photos occasionally and I cry for him. His ashes and mementos are in a cupboard in our living room but I haven’t gotten them out in awhile to feel and hold. I did Edwards footprints last month and was reminded of Pixels itty-bitty feet that weren’t as chubby.

Happy & Excited:

Edward has been hitting so many milestones this month and I am happy and excited to see each and everyone of them. He has mastered sucking on his big toe (only when he is having Nakey time though), he has rolled from back to front (but is still working on getting his arm out from underneath him), He has started to try a few solids, he follows the cats and people with his eyes, he interacts with other children (well… really just laughs hysterically at them), and is moving toys from one hand to another hand to his mouth. This little boy is growing up and is most likely going to be a mover soon.


There were a lot of pregnancies around us with Pixel and Edward. I read some birth boards because I get bored and need something to do while Edward is nursing. There are a few mom’s on the June 2013 birth board who are pregnant again and due either shortly before or after their little ones turn one. I know Darrell and I want another one and are going to try once Edward is weaned. It just makes me jealous that we have to wait until he is weaned so we can go on the fertility drugs again and we will never have an ‘oops’ baby. This is just fleeting jealousy. Just like my jealousy of those with twins. I feel as though I had the chance for twins and lost them. I am working through it and it isn’t where I can’t be around people who are pregnant or have twins, but occasionally I wonder what our lives would have been had both Pixel and Bit survived. Guess it is just the ‘what if’ game.

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