Tag Archive: Work

This has been a busy month!

I have driven to a lot of football games. I have been incredibly busy at work doing a lot of little things.

This past weekend was the beginning of my month long of busy weekends of traveling. I drove a group up to Lubbock. While I was in Lubbock, my dad called and said that they were going to be in my area and wanted to stop and stay with us. So when I got back yesterday I got to spend time with my dad and uncle. It was so much fun!

This weekend I have to drive back to Lubbock on Friday night. Back home by early Saturday morning and then heading down to Fredericksburg for Oktoberfest and then Austin for the Bat Cruise. Then it is our trip to Phoenix. My mom is going to travel out to see us and is going to bring the baby. So I will get to see my niece!!!

I’m so excited for this month! But alas, I know that it is going to fly by and it will be over all to soon.

Hope y’all have a wonderful month planned!

That was the longest week I have had in awhile. The afternoon route has just been so busy and crowded. I am sitting at 61 Pre-K through 2nd grade children. I tried to put them into assigned seats and boy was that a failure! I don’t know what my plan B is. I think I will just let them sit where they want. I was informed yesterday that we have a new driver coming in, so in two weeks or so, I shouldn’t be driving a regular route anymore. I’m excited to be getting back to just subbing.

I did that trip down to Rockdale on Saturday.  It was a decent 15 hours of work. We got down to Rockdale around 5 and the temp was at 109. It was ridiculously hot. I was so glad that it was the shortest football game I have been to. a 180 piece band was unloaded, played for the game, and reloaded leaving the parking lot in just over 3 hours.

Sunday was a slightly relaxing day. I did the laundry and got things done. We have been cleaning our backyard and working on deciding what we are going to do. Our hope is that we will be able to do a lot of it ourselves once the weather cools down. We have to see whether or not it will be cheaper to do pavers or cement for the patio. I’m going to ask my boss for a quote since he lays concrete on the side. I know the quote we got from a landscaper was $2600, so we are hoping for a much smaller quote. We don’t think it should really cost $10/sq ft. So.. I guess we just wait and see.


I have been trying to not stress over things lately, but yesterday I just couldn’t help it. Yesterday was the first day of school. The morning route was pretty predictable. Not much changed from last year. However, the afternoon was all over the place. I drive the little kids home, so I really have to watch which ones are getting on the bus, where they get off and who is there to pick them up. There was so much going on. I got the kids home but it took a long time. I was running 40 minutes late on my run when I finally was able to pick up the Jr. High and then they were a quick run home. A little bit of backtracking, but not a whole lot. What a day!

Then on top of all of that, Darrell reminded me that I hadn’t started my period yet. I have been having all of the symptoms for the last week, but haven’t actually had the period. So I called our NIC (Nurse in charge) and asked what she wanted to do. When the NIC had called to cancel the cycle, she said to give it a few days and then call her… that was three weeks ago :/ She said yesterday that she could prescribe me medication to induce it if I wanted to, but before she could do that I would have to go in for an ultrasound and do an hpt. That’s exactly what I want to do huh? Let’s take an hpt to see that it’s negative. Thanks but I think I would rather just spend the extra time without a period. Because I stimmed for so long, the NIC said she wouldn’t be surprised if it took another three weeks before my period. So here I sit at 6 weeks past my LMP and nothing to say the end is really close. Trying not to stress since that doesn’t help anything.

Boss just let me know this morning that I am driving for the band this weekend to the football game. Should be nice. No idea when I am leaving or getting back. I just know that I am heading down to the Austin area. Should be fun!

I had my bus driving meeting today for the school year and they informed us that we have gotten a raise. I am so excited! It will give us more money to play with for the cruise and all the other trips. 🙂 Granted it is only about an extra $150 a month, but hey.. every little bit helps.

They still don’t have enough drivers, so I am still driving regular routes until they can get someone new onto the bus. It will be fun I guess.. :/ My afternoon route is going to be a whole bunch of pre-k through 2nd grade. That should be fun figuring things out during the first week of school. I am excited and nervous for the first day of school next week.

Oh, and on the good news front, I have reached my annual health care deductible. So that means that the insurance should cover anything else done this year (as long as it isn’t infertility treatment, so basically, no meds or IUI covered, but ultrasounds and blood work will be covered).  Unfortunately, we will not have the money to cover meds or the procedure until next year which is when the deductible starts all over again. What a cycle huh?

Hey All!

So.. Darrell and I have been really busy since the last post. We flew to California for his Grammy’s 80th birthday. We had a blast! So much family and so little time. We wandered around the Pismo Beach area a lot. Then Darrell flew home and I stayed and visited with my family. I stayed in California for a couple weeks.

I drove home with my family as we were doing a long trip to visit some more family in Wisconsin and Nebraska. Plus Darrell and I acquired a couple of cats from my parents. So all in all, I was gone for a whole month. That is a main reason for this not being updated.

When I finished vacationing, it was time to get ready for the school year to start back up. We’ve been busy at school with lots of field trips and everything else going on. They gave me an actual route this year since we don’t have enough drivers. It’s kind of nice, but it’s a little monotonous. Oh well.. At least I don’t have to worry which route I’ll be on every day :).

That’s about all we have really been up to in the last couple months. Work, work, work. Plus we are still getting things organized in the house. We are truly loving the farmers market.. We just found out that it continues through most of the year, not just during the summer. That is massively exiting for us. We have been really enjoying the different produce. Especially the Orange Watermelon. Way better than red. 😛

Just last weekend, I had a 3-day weekend (Yeah for Columbus Day), so we traveled over to Tyler, TX to visit a friend who has an internship over there. We had a blast and enjoyed our long weekend without worrying about work.

Well.. .Gotta run to get some more school work done.. Been procrastinating enough already. 😛 Hope y’all have a great day!

~S. Ross

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